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The Ultimate AIRCONcare Pro AC Cleaning System

Wall Air Conditioner Cleaning Made Simple
We have 3 different easy to use configuration of AIRCONcare Cleaning Kits to choose from. Each kit comes with an AC Cleaning Wash Bag that you wear onto your wall unit in less than a minute. These simple cleaning systems ensure no fuss, no bookings, no need for complex setups and training. Just simple cleaning steps with professional quality results.
AIRCONcare Wash Bag without Fast-Drain
Wear AC Wash Bag over a Split AC Wall Unit to clean it within 1 minute. Waste water and dirt will be captured in the wash bag and removed easily for disposal.
AIRCONcare Wash Bag with Fast-Drain
Fast-Drain Wash Bags have a 12" wide drain for fast drainage of waste water. Waste water is collected by a bucket placed at the bottom end of the drain. (*Note: Bucket is not included)

Step One - Wear On The Wash Bag
The AIRCONcare Catchment Wash Bag is robustly designed to contain the waste water during the cleaning process. It is custom-designed to be put on and removed in seconds for a simple and speedy cleaning job.
Step Two - Apply AIRCONcare Solution
Remove the filters and apply generous amounts of AIRCONcare Cleaning Solution to the Cooling Coils and Rotor Blades. Allow the solution to sit for 5-10 mins. This family safe cleaning solution is specifically designed to loosen and lift the dirt, dust, skin flakes, oily and sticky grime from the cooling coils and rotor blades surfaces.

Step Three - Flush With Water
Rinse and Flush the Coils and Rotor with ample waterjets to wash away the loosened dirt and grime. Empty wash wash bag when full. Repeat flushing this step as necessary until cleaning.
Step Four - Empty Wash Bag
Turn on The AC Unit and allow the excess water to spray into the wash bag. Wipe The AC Unit Dry and Remove Wash Bag to empty it into a toilet bowl. Enjoy the Fresh Cold Air!

AIRCONcare Cleaning Kit
AIRCONcare cleaning solution is particularly effective in dislodging and dissolving bio-slime which is the "jelly substance" that tends to build up on your air conditioner cooling coils.
IEQSA Certification
AIRCONcare Cleaning Solution
The AIRCONcare™ Cleaning Solution has been certified to the IEQSA (Indoor Environmental Quality Standards Australia) Standard 202 for heating ventilation and air conditioner (HVAC) maintenance which provides a robust benchmark for human safety in cleaning methodologies for air handling units (AHUs) of all general use applications.
IEQSA Standard 202 for heating ventilation and air conditioner (HVAC) maintenance caters for a robust human safety benchmarking standard in cleaning methodologies for air handling units (AHUs) of all general use applications.

AIRCONCare Cleaning TEchnology
Hydrophilic Air Conditioner Cleaning Solution
The way our solution works is it turns any surface it touches hydrophilic thus repelling any adhesive that is on it almost instantly. This then allows the organics (skin flakes), biofilm, and dirt to be washed away by the rinsing and flushing with water.
No Volatile Chemicals Left Behind
The AIRCONcare Cleaning Solution has been lab tested to be water soluble with NO Volatile Organics Compounds left behind after cleaning to be vaporized into the air flow.
Kills 99.99% of Legionella pneumophila Bacteria
Lab tested by the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) against Legionella pneumophila Bacteria
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